Christian graphic designer not required to produce websites for same sex weddings

In a much anticipated decision, the US Supreme Court (by 6-3) in  303 CREATIVE LLC v. ELENIS 600 U. S. _ (2023) (30 June 2023) has ruled that a Christian graphic designer cannot be required by Colorado law to produce websites supporting and celebrating same-sex weddings, contrary to her religious beliefs. The ruling was based on the US First Amendment protection of free speech, and sets out a principle that the government cannot compel citizens to say what they object to saying, in an “expressive” business like web design, even if that business provides services to the public. It seems clearly correct, and will be helpful in protecting free speech on a range of issues, but in particular will support religious freedom. But, contrary to some comment, it is not a “license to discriminate”. The decision does not allow refusal of ordinary commercial services to same-sex attracted people. It only relates to the sort of artistic and expressive work engaged in by the designer.

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